By Solon Papageorgiou, 12 October, 2022

Did you know that music can strongly influence our lives?

It can affect our mood (make us happier when we're sad), motivate us, bring us joy, and relax us. It also has a therapeutic effect.

So suggest your clients listen to music!

By Solon Papageorgiou, 11 October, 2022

Do you know why sleep is important?

Well, a good night's rest allows our mind and body to rest and recover. 

This leads to less daytime fatigue, better mental and physical health, and better cognitive function.

By Solon Papageorgiou, 11 October, 2022

Do you know why self-care is important?

Self-care (eating healthy, sleeping well, exercising, etc.) is essential because it enables us to trust ourselves, which in turn enables us to trust others.

And that, in turn, enables us to build healthier relationships.

By Solon Papageorgiou, 11 October, 2022

Do you know the difference between mental health problems and temporary emotional challenges?

Basically, unlike a temporary emotional challenge, a mental health problem isn't self-limiting; it encompasses all aspects of life and doesn't allow the person to function.

By Solon Papageorgiou, 11 October, 2022

Do you know about abuse?

An abusive person manipulates another person to achieve a goal, for example, to control the person.

There are three types of abuse. Verbal abuse (e.g., threats), nonverbal abuse (e.g., stalking), and physical abuse (e.g., inflicting bodily harm).

Abuse can lead to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.

Therefore, people need to get out of toxic relationships (although this isn't always easy, for example, for children who want to escape their abusive parents).

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Do you know how to recognize a mental problem?

Mental problems that arise from stress, abuse, or traumatic experiences are a sign that something is going on.

You'll notice changes in the mood, appearance, and behavior of the person facing a mental health problem.

Then you can decide how to help them.

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Do you know what sublimation is?

Well, it's when we experience something hideous and turn it into something constructive, like a work of art or exercise.

Read more at:

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Do you know what trust is?

Trust means that we expect someone to do something for us in the future. We don't know if that will happen, but we believe in it because they are honest and have proven reliable in the past.

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