By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Do you know how people attribute behavior to themselves and others?

Well, they tend to believe that their behavior is influenced by the situation, while character traits influence the behavior of others.

This is handy to know when you treat your clients!

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Do you know how to tell when your customers are lying to you?

It happens that your clients lie to you during their sessions. But how do you know when that happens? Well, it turns out that you can recognize lies by their facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, inconsistencies in what they say, and more.

Note, however, that they aren't always accurate.

Learn more at:

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Did you know about dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)?

DBT is another variation of cognitive behavior therapy that incorporates elements of mindfulness.

It treats borderline personality disorder (BPD, for which there's little medication), eating disorders, substance use disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Learn more here:

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

As cognitive behavioral therapists know, negative thinking can affect emotions, behaviors, and bodily sensations. And this thinking can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and all kinds of psychological problems.

So what's the answer? Think positively! And base your positive thinking on a valid reason why you think that way:

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Do you know the "poor me" principle?

Toxic people use it to manipulate other people.

They pretend to suffer and be disadvantaged to get others to do their wants.

Suppose your clients find themselves in such a situation with such a toxic person. In that case, you should counsel them accordingly because such conditions lead to psychological problems like depression and anxiety.

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Do you know what attracts us to a member of the opposite sex?

There are three crucial aspects.

The first is familiarity. The more you know someone, the more likely you will like them.

The second is similarity, such as similar interests and goals.

And the third is sexual attraction.

Now that you know all this, you can give good advice to your clients!

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Here's a free app called MindShift CBT that can treat anxiety disorders:

By Solon Papageorgiou, 10 October, 2022

Did you know about the fight-flight-freeze-or-fawn response?

It occurs when our survival is threatened. As the name implies, the reaction is to attack in some way, retreat and leave, do nothing, or try to be agreeable to end the conflict.

Learn more at: